Welcome to Greg's Slide Rules
This site is intended to allow my slide rule collection to be viewed and commented on
by other collectors and enthusiasts of slide rules. Feel free to browse
the pages, view the collection and share in my little hobby.
Links to my collection are in the navigation panel to the left, in addition you will
find a number of links to some of the other wonderful slide rule collections on the
web, if a sample of the rule you are looking for is not on this site then I am sure
that it will be on one of the other collector or trader links.
Have fun and enjoy the collection.
Current Totals
Currently on display on this site there are:
  Slide Rules
Slide Rule Documentation Page
Thanks to a number of volunteers and helpers we have been able to recover most of what used to be on the old Slide Rule
Documentation site and have made it available here in an updated format. Please feel free to visit and if you have that
special manual which is not in the list then perhaps you could contact me and we can arrange
for scans to be made available to the slide rule community.
There are currently:
 Documents available for download 
Errors, Corrections, etc.
If you discover any errors or problems with the site then please
e-mail me and
I will respond as soon as I can.